领导力特质是造就职场高效领导者的基本品质。无论你是在管理一个团队、一个部门还是整个公司,这些特质都能让你引导人们和项目走向成功。最重要的领导力品质涉及软技能,而不是技术知识或特定行业的经验,这使得领导力品质在几乎所有职业中都至关重要。 Leadership traits are essential qualities that define effective leaders in the workplace. Whether you're managing a team, a department, or an entire company, these are the traits that will allow you to guide people and projects to success. The most important leadership qualities involve soft skills rather than technical knowledge or industry-specific experience, and thus are critical for almost all leading roles. 领导力是一门高深的学问,我们很难去定义什么条件的人才能当领导者,但是从成功的领导者身上我们通常可以发现一些共同特质。 Leadership is a sophisticated art, and it is difficult to define precisely what makes a person a leader, but there are some common traits that we can usually identify in successful leaders. 心理学家斯托格迪尔提出了领导者应该具备的10项特质:(1)才智;(2)强烈的责任心和完成任务的内驱力;(3)坚持追求目标的性格;(4)大胆主动的独创精神;(5)自信心;(6)合作性;(7)乐于承担决策和行动的后果;(8)能忍受挫折;(9)社交能力和影响别人行为的能力;(10)处理事务的能力。 Psychologists Stoger Deere identified 10 traits that all leaders should possess: (1) Intelligence; (2) a strong sense of responsibility and a commitment to completing tasks; (3) persistence in the pursuit of goals; (4)initiative and originality; (5) self-confidence; (6) the ability to cooperate with others; (7) willingness to bear the consequences of decisions and actions; (8) ability to overcome setbacks; (9) social skills and the ability to influence the behavior of others; and (10) the ability to handle matters. 但是,领导力特质很难标榜,因为领导力本身存在于我们的生活中,以至于很难确定和定义技能。现代西方研究者发现了十项领导力特征: However, leadership traits are difficult to label because leadership itself is present in our lives, making it difficult to identify and define what is part of these skills. Modern Western researchers have identified ten leadership characteristics: 1.不要否认你的直觉;2. 寻求聪明的帮助。3. 保持好奇心。4. 征求对立的观点。5. 沟通就是倾听6. 保持自信,7. 做仆人式领导,8. 有诚信,9. 果断,10. 充满激情。 1. Don't deny your intuition; 2. Seek smart help; 3. Stay curious; 4. Solicit opposing viewpoints; 5. Be a good listener when communicating; 6. Stay confident;7. Be a leader who serves others; 8. Have integrity; 9. Show decisiveness; and 10. Show passion. 美国学者詹姆斯·斯库泽斯和巴里·波斯纳在著作《领导力》中,公布了几十年研究结果,说明了人们愿意追随的领导者应该具备的特点和素质情况。其中排名靠前的六个特质,分别是:诚信的、有胜任力的、能激励人的、有前瞻性、聪明的、心胸宽广。 In their book Leadership, American scholars James Scuzes and Barry Posner published the results of decades of research. It shows the characteristics and qualities of leaders that people are willing to follow. Six of the top-ranking traits are being honest, competent, motivating, forward-thinking, intelligent, and broad-minded. 2020年,中国机构上半年针对中国不同行业的近200名经理人的调研结果显示领导力特质中:有格局、言行一致、有担当、有远见、有主见、有能力,位列前六名。这一结果和美国专家的结论并不完全一致。 A survey of nearly 200 managers from different industries in China conducted by a Chinese organization in the first half of 2020 revealed that the top six leadership traits are being open-minded, consistent in words and deeds, responsible, visionary, assertive, and competent. These results differ slightly from the conclusions reached by American experts. 商业社会从工业时代转向创新时代时,可持续发展正成为企业成功的关键。尤其是当疫情在全球蔓延带来更大不确定性时,企业管理者面临全新考验。 As business society shifts from the industrial age to the age of innovation, sustainability is becoming the key to business success. Especially now, as the global pandemic brings great uncertainty, business managers must face a whole new test. 很少有高管曾在其职业生涯中面对如新冠疫情这样形势严峻且影响深远的挑战。这次疫情标志着领导者们在建设一个新型商业环境的进程中的转折点,一个更美好、真正可持续、以循环经济为指导原则的世界。 Throughout their entire careers, few executives have ever faced a challenge as severe and far-reaching as the coronavirus pandemic. This outbreak marks a turning point in the process of leaders building a new kind of business environment, and a better, truly sustainable world with a circular economy as its guiding principle. 第一是多层次的系统性思维,不仅要了解自己的组织系统,还要考虑到经济、社会和环境系统之间的相互作用。 The first trait is multi-layered system thinking. Leaders not only need to understand their own organizational systems, but to also take the interactions between economic, social and environmental systems into account. 第二是利益相关者的参与,面对利益相关者时,态度不是管理而是参与,从员工到客户、政府、投资者、社区,会采纳各方的观点。 The second trait is stakeholder participation. When facing stakeholders such as employees, customers, governments, investors and communities, the attitude should not be one of management but of participationand willingness to adopt their views. 第三个特质是颠覆式创新,可持续发展领导人有意愿在现有的业务和所处的行业当中实现颠覆式创新,他们能够摒弃官僚作风,推动创新,找到新的发展路径,尽量避免在盈利能力和可持续发展之间权衡取舍。 The third trait is disruptive innovation. Leaders in sustainability should have a willingness to pushdisruptive innovation in their existing businesses and industries, and they are able to move beyond bureaucracy to drive innovation and find new paths to growth, avoiding the trade-off between profitability and sustainability as much as possible. 第四个特质是长期投入,可持续发展领导人不仅有一个长期的思维,他们还会制定大胆的目标,严格的推动企业上下一致的行动和投资,去实现这些目标。面对挫折,他们能坚持到底,并且做出可能不太受短期利益相关者欢迎的决定。 The fourth trait is long-term commitment. Leaders in sustainability not only have a long-term mindset, but also set bold goals and rigorously drive consistent actions and investments across organizations to achieve those goals. They are able to persevere in the face of setbacks, and are even willing to make decisions that might not bepopular with short-term stakeholders. 外界认为由女性担任领导人的地方,应对新冠大流行的措施和效果更显著。新西兰总理杰辛达·阿德恩(Jacinda Ardern)和德国总理默克尔在抗疫方面表现不俗。 It is believed that measures against COVID-19 pandemic have been more effective in places where women are leaders. For example, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and German Chancellor Angela Merkel have done a particularly good job in the fight against the pandemic. 英国建筑业培训委员会首席执行官莎拉·比厄(Sarah Beale)也认为,在领导力方面,有一本“女性实践手册”,这本手册倡导同理心。 Sarah Beale, CEO of the Construction Industry Training Board, agrees that there is a "female practice manual" on leadership that promotes empathy. 如果方法得当,展现脆弱一面也可以成为一种力量。女性领导者往往更容易比男性同行敞开心扉。你向人们展示你世界的现实,他们就能与你感同身受,就会更支持你。 If done right, showing vulnerability can be a strength,and female leaders tend to open up more readily than their male counterparts. The more you show people your world, the more they can empathize with you and the more they will support you. “她型领导力”包含三方面领导力特质:全面性、同理心和复原力。这意味着工作风格更加全面、平衡;更具同理心,更关注人际互动与团队和谐;更强的抗压力和复原力.这些特质在两性领导者身上都有展现,只是女性更为突出。 This idea of "she-leadership" encompasses three leadership qualities: comprehensiveness, empathy, and resilience. This means a more holistic and balanced work style, more empathy and attention to interpersonal interaction and team harmony, and greater stress tolerance and resilience. These traits are found in leaders of both genders, but tend to be more prominent in women. 在线医疗问诊平台春雨医生CEO王羽潇是我崇拜的的领导人。 Wang Yuxiao, CEO of the online medical consultation platform Chunyu Doctor, is a leader I admire. 2020年大年二十八,看着武汉不断冒出的疑似病例数据,在线医疗问诊平台春雨医生CEO王羽潇敏锐感受到了这次疫情的特殊性。两天之内,春雨义诊项目上线。主要的工作包括了运营医生端的时间、联动1200家企业参与义诊联盟、审查和报备与公益基金的合作、协调线下100多家健康小站的医疗资源、赠予医生保障更完善的商业保险……春雨一共调动全国范围内19,000多名医生,累计完成约240多万的义诊量。春雨医生创始人张锐逝世后,王羽潇从丈夫肩上抗下了这份责任。王羽潇做过央视记者,进入过体制内航天系统工作,尝试过几次跨行。接任春雨医生CEO后的6个月,王羽潇带领团队完成了这次疫情大考,交出了令人刮目相看的答卷。她管理的这些女性员工,她们是整个机制运行的润滑剂、缓冲剂和释放剂,她们以女性的力量让齿轮转得更快,转得更好,让世界更加美好。在她看来,这个世界其实情绪的伤害是非常大的。但是因为它是隐性的,我们往往看不到。春雨医生的用户里女性的占比是超过男性的。大多数女性用户是整个家庭的健康守门人,负责守护全家健康。有的是给自己的孩子在问;有的是在给自己的先生在问,有的是在给自己的父母在问,还有一部分是给自己在问。因为家庭,工作,自己都需要它。这个有形和无形的领导力都很重要。心理复原力是指个人面对生活逆境、创伤、悲剧、威胁及其他生活重大压力时的良好适应。无论是在疫情暴发期还是持续期,女性一把手和高管在更高的焦虑和抑郁行为倾向下,显示出比同职级男性更高的心理复原力水平。 On the 28th day of the 12th lunar month in 2020(January 2020), looking at data of suspected cases of a mysterious illness that kept popping up in Wuhan, Wang Yuxiao, CEO of the online medical consultation platform Chunyu Doctor (“chunyu” means spring rain), keenly grasped the unusual nature of this outbreak, and within two days the Chunyu volunteer clinic program had been launched. Main tasks included operating doctors’practices, linking 1,200 companies to participate in the volunteer clinic alliance, reviewing and reporting cooperation with public welfare funds, coordinating the medical resources of more than 100 health stations, and giving doctors better commercial insurance coverage. Chunyu has now mobilized more than 19,000 doctors nationwide in China and completed a total of more than 2.4 million free medical consultations. After the death of Dr. Zhang Rui, the founder of Chunyu, Wang Yuxiao took over responsibilities. Wang Yuxiao had previously served as a CCTV reporter, and she subsequently went on to work in a Chinese aerospace organization and other industries. Six months after taking over as CEO of Chunyu Doctor, Wang Yuxiao led her team in taking on the challenges posed by the pandemic. She manages female employees who play a role similar to that of lubricant and buffers, using their female strength to make the gears of society turn faster and better, creating a better world. In her opinion, the resulting emotional damage from this can be severe, but because it's hidden we often don't see it. The percentage of users of Chunyu Doctor who are women is significantly higher than the percentage of male users, which reflects the fact that many female users are the gatekeepers to the health of their whole families. They seek consultations for their children, husband, and parents as well as themselves, because their entire families need this. This leadership, both tangible and intangible, is hugely important. Psychological resilience is the ability of an individual to adapt well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threat, and other major life stresses. Female handlers and executives have showed higher levels of psychological resilience than men of the same rank, although they also tend to show a higher propensity for anxiety and depression during the pandemic. 王羽潇的特质完全符合领导人的特质: Wang Yuxiao's traits are fully compatible with those of a leader. 1.倾听 1. Listening 2. 共情。寻求了解别人对情况的感受。 2. Empathy. Seek to understand how others feel about a situation. 3. 有意识地行动,良好的自我意识与一般意识相结合,使你能够做出有意、明智的行动。 3. Conscious action. Good combination of self-awareness and general awareness enables you to make deliberate, wise actions. 4. 为他人奉献时间,积极寻找与他人建立关系的方法,培社群意识。 4. Give your time to others, actively seek ways to build relationships with others, and develop a sense of community. 5. 授权他人,雇佣有能力的人,并为他们引路。要认识到大家在一起是有原因的。 5. Empower others, hire competent people, and lead the way for them. It's important to recognize that everyone gathers for a reason. 6. 排除障碍,确定他人成功所需的资源。寻找可以消除的组织及环境障碍来帮助团队。 6. Remove barriers and identify the resources others need to succeed. Find organizational and environmental barriers that can be removed to help the team. 7. 为他人服务,将员工视为值得信赖的管家,帮助他们成为最好的自己,从而更好地帮助团队实现目标。 7. Serve others by treating employees as trusted stewards and helping them become better, which will also help teams achieve goals. 8. 谦卑助人 寻求说服他人,而不是强迫遵从。有效地在团队和个人之间建立共识。 8. Humbly help others. Seek to convince rather than force others. Effectively build consensus among teams and individuals. 9. 用诚信互动 散发开放和真实性。要知道,如何实现结果比结果本身重要甚至更重要。 9. Interact with integrity. Show openness and authenticity. After all, how results are achieved is even more important than the results themselves. 10. 坚持,管困难、障碍或沮丧,但保持稳健。积极寻找鼓励他人的方法。 10. Persevere, no matter how difficult or frustrating things may be. Stay calm. Actively look for ways to encourage others. 今日之领导:即要有甘做仆人的心,也要有敢于出头领导(行动)的心;敢于宣誓自己的目标(梦想)并持恒追求、通过耐心沟通(哪怕一次一个人)而非强迫他人共同行动、倾听理解接纳不同意见(对混乱持开放态度)、耐心分清主次和阶段性目标(哪怕一次只采取一个行动)、不断自我认知自我检验(认清自己的能力,不贪恋权位)、培养直觉和预见能力,当然还有道德与个性(真诚、善良、爱心、友谊)的不断完善。 Being a leader today not only requires willingness to be a servant, but also to take the initiative (action); make vows about one's own goals (dreams) and pursue them persistently, communicate patiently (even if that means one person at a time) instead of forcing others to act together; listen to, understand, and accept different opinions (be open to confusion); identify priorities and goals in different stages(even if only one step is taken at a time); constantly examine oneself (recognizing one's own abilities and not craving power); develop intuition and vision; and of course, continuously improve one’s morality and character (sincerity, kindness, love, and friendship). 要在疫情后重建公正、平等、包容的全球经济,我们需要更多的女性领导者。在整个新冠疫情危机中,女性确保了整个社会的运转。作为一线医护人员的大多数,她们维持着卫生系统的运转,同时勇敢地承担起在家照顾生病家人和失学儿童的额外责任。她们为遭受暴力侵害女性提供了庇护所;她们翻山越岭,发放避孕药具。简而言之,女性本身已经为她们的领导力提供了生动的、令人难忘的证明。 To rebuild a just, equitable, and inclusive global economy in the wake of the pandemic, we need more female leaders. Throughout this crisis, women have helped ensure the functioning of entire communities. Females account for the majority of front-line medical workers, and they have kept health systems running while bravely taking on the responsibilities of caring for sick family members and out-of-school children at home. They provide shelters for women who are victims of violence and travel over mountains to distribute contraceptives. In short, women themselves have provided vivid and unforgettable proof of their leadership many times. 女性领导人特质带来多元化的领导技能。联合国妇女署以及英国研究人员苏普里亚·加里奇帕蒂(Supriya Garikipati)和乌玛·坎巴汉帕蒂(Uma Kambhampati)称,事实证明,女性领导者应对新冠肺炎疫情的措施非常有效,这主要得益于女性领导者的协作型和集体型领导风格,以及其在涉及生命损失时较高的风险规避意识。 Female leadership traits bring diverse leadership skills. According to UN Women and British researchers Supriya Garikipati and Uma Kambhampati, women leaders' responses to COVID-19 outbreak have proven to be highly effective, largely due to their collaborative and collegial leadership styles and their higher awareness of risk avoidance when it comes to loss of life. 当前,新冠肺炎疫情继续在全球蔓延,弹复性领导者特质决定企业能走多远。 At present, COVID-19 continues to spread around the world, and the characteristics of resilient leaders will determine how far companies can go. 作为富有弹复性的领导者,当前最重要的职责是持续助力发展:持续助力员工发展,疫情之下许多人都疲惫不堪、压力倍增;持续助力企业发展,始终如一地为所有利益相关者增创价值;持续助力社会发展,以应对不断出现的各种威胁;与此同时,还须持续发展领导力,方可在未来征途中砥砺前行。 For a resilient leader, the most important responsibility now is to continue to help employees develop, especially since many of them are exhausted and stressed by the pandemic, and help businesses grow to consistently add value to all stakeholders. Also, leaders need to assist society to respond better to emerging threats, and toenhance leadership for the journey ahead. 德勤公司的弹复性领导者应具备的五大特质,其中之一便是“速度取胜”——大胆果断,一往无前;雷厉风行、不拘小节,更胜尽善尽美。“在极端不确定的条件下做出重大决策的需求”是情绪韧性的核心基础,而具备强大的情绪韧性则是首席执行官必修的内在功课之一。 One of the five attributes that Deloitte’s resilient leaders should possess is "speediness”, which means focusing on being bold, decisive, and resolute rather than trying to be perfect. The “capacity to make critical decisions under conditions of extreme uncertainty” is the core foundation of emotional resilience, and having strong emotional resilience is an essential inherent part for being a CEO. 作为领导者,需要重视和了解员工如今面临的诸多挑战,其中许多挑战将会长期存在。勇敢对话是实现大胆果断的领导力行动的核心所在,在当前的严峻形势下,这是持续保障员工发展的重要工具。通过此种对话,能够在危机之中正面传递真实准确的信息,同时获得实时有效的反馈。为此,领导者需要具备非凡的勇气:迎难而上,摆脱困境,如企业关停、裁员、强制休假等,而非无视困难、听天由命。迅速决策并采取行动,即使遭到质疑。直面事实,阐明决策原因,同时积极应对相关影响。尤其是:聆听员工心声,即使可能会感到不悦。这不仅有助于我们制定更加明智的决策,亦是持续保障企业发展的必要条件。 As a leader, one needs to place emphasis on and understand the many challenges that employees face today, many of which will persist over time. Dialogue is at the heart of taking bold and decisive leadership actions, and is a vital tool for consistently securing employee development in the current challenging climate. This dialogue allows for the positive delivery of truthful and accurate information during a crisis, while also receiving effective feedback in real time. To do this, leaders need to have extraordinary courage to rise to the occasion and get out of difficult situations such as business closures, layoffs, and mandatory furloughs, rather than ignoring difficulties and just letting things happen. Make decisions and act quickly, even when challenged. Face the facts head-on and articulate the reasons for a decision, while actively addressing the associated concerns. In particular, listen to employees even if that may be upsetting. This not only helps leaders to make more informed decisions, it is also necessary for the continued growth of a business. 那些能够助力组织弹复的领导能力是现在重要的领导力特质。 Those leadership skills that help organizations bounce back are now important leadership traits. 对于人才流失率较高的公司而言,那些具备授权、领导虚拟团队和数字敏锐度等能力的领导者有助于在员工离职后组织的迅速弹复。有些角色可能无法被取代,企业也将抓住机会尽可能地实现自动化。但即便自动化程度提升是趋势,领导者也需要高效授权来管理现有工作和资源的持续运作。 For companies with high rates of turnover, leaders who have the ability to empower, lead virtual teams and show digital acumen can help an organization bounce back quickly after an employee leaves. Some roles may be irreplaceable, and companies will always seize the opportunity to automate as much as possible. But even as increased automation continues to be a trend, leaders need to be able to delegate efficiently in order to manage the ongoing operation of existing work and resources. 在《2021全球领导力展望》调研中,发现大多数组织的员工流动率都高于去年同期。受疫情影响,人们的工作方式和职场环境都发生了巨大变化。并且,随着职场灵活性的提升,员工的选择也越来越多,人才的离职率将持续波动。职场中任何层级领导者的短缺都会对公司带来巨大的影响。所以2022年,那些注重工作灵活性和成长机会,构建多元包容的文化的领导力特质是刻不容缓的。 In the Global Leadership Outlook 2021 research, it was discovered that staff turnover was higher in most organizations than it was a year ago. Both the way people work and the workplace environment have changed dramatically as a result of the pandemic. And as the workplace becomes more flexible and employees have more options, the turnover rate will continue to fluctuate and potentially cause shortages of talent; a shortage of leaders at any level in the workplace can have a huge impact on a company. This means that in 2022, leadership traits that focus on work flexibility,growth opportunities, and building a diverse and inclusive culture are particularly crucial.
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